Savings Accounts
Watch your savings grow and reach your financial goals faster. Savings provide financial security and are crucial to maintain good financial health. Open a savings account today.
- Interest rate: 1% (DKK 0-500,000)
- Interest rate: 1.75% (over DKK 500,000)
- No notice period
- Start saving with any amount
- Maximum deposit limit: DKK 1,000,000
- One free transfer from the account per month
3 måneder opsigelse
- Interest rate: 2.25%
- 3 months notice period
- Start saving with any amount
- No maximum deposit limit
- Open as many savings accounts as you need
12 måneder opsigelse
- Interest rate: 2.85%
- 12 months notice period
- Start saving with any amount
- No maximum deposit limit
- Open as many savings accounts as you need

Key Facts: Savings Accounts
- The interest rates on these accounts are variable.
- You can open several savings accounts, e.g. one for unexpected expenses and one for travelling.
- It is not possible to add debit or credit cards to savings accouns.
- The Danish Guarantee Fund covers your total deposits up to EUR 100,000.